A Cinema kiosk system for the HKDSE ICT SBA project.

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Cinema house

A cinema ‘house’ is the basic component of a cinema. Each house has a 2-D rectangular seating plan with 1-99 row(s) and 1-26 column(s). The seating plan of a house is fixed and cannot be changed later.

Every seat of the seating plan has one of the three following status:

Each house can have a movie name, which indicates the currently playing movie.

Each house has a unique house number, which is used to identify different houses.

HOWTO: Create a house

Login as an administrator, enter mode 1(Create a new house), enter the number of rows and columns of the house. You may choose to enter the movie name, or leave it blank.

Every seat will be set as Empty as default.

HOWTO: See the seating plan of a house

Login as an administrator, enter mode 5(Check houses information), enter the house number.


Login as a user, enter mode 1(Buy a ticket), enter the house number. User can see the seating plan of an available house.


‘Available house’ refers to houses that has empty seat(s), and has a movie playing (has a movie name).

HOWTO: Change the movie of a house

Login as an administrator, enter mode 2(Update the movie of a house), enter the house number, enter the new movie name, or leave it blank if no movie is playing.

After entering the new movie name, you will be asked whether you would like to ‘clear all relevant data’. It means whether you would like to delete all the tickets of the same house, and reset all the status of seats of the house to Empty.

HOWTO: Clear all the seats of a house

Login as an administrator, enter mode 9(Clear all the seats of a house), enter the house number.

HOWTO: Delete a house

Login as an administrator, enter mode 10(DELETE A HOUSE), enter the house number.

The house number of a deleted house will not be used again.

Copyright © 2023 Joe Chau, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.